Folder : Our daily beauty routines
Different factors can increase the lack of moisturisation of your skin. Ageing, the environment, pollution, tobacco, repeated exposure to the sun: all these factors change the skin daily and can disrupt its moisturising mechanism.
Why should you moisturise your skin?
Ageing, the environment, pollution, tobacco, repeated exposure to the sun: all these factors change the skin daily and affect the moisturisation mechanism.
A deficiency of the hydrolipidic film: water escapes more easily
The stratum corneum’s first defense in protecting the skin has essential functions that depend on the proper operation of keratinocytes, and the good quality of the intercellular cement which links cells at the surface. When it is weak, the cutaneous barrier is broken and the skin becomes more vulnerable to harsh weather conditions. This directly impacts keratinocytes which produce lipids at the level of the epidermis, as well as fibroblasts that provide glycosaminoglycanes at the level of the dermis.
Result: the hydro-lipidic film is deficient, the epidermis cells are disorganised, and the cutaneous barrier becomes weaker. The continued loss of water increases and the skin becomes dehydrated.
A shortage of NMF*
Under the effects of harsh weather conditions, the natural moisturising mechanism of your skin becomes irregular, the skin loses more water than it retains and skin cell activity slows down. The epidermis no longer retains water.
In order to deal with these imbalances, the biological mechanism of moisturisation must be strengthened. This is achieved by moisturising the skin daily in order to:
- Attract water to the epidermis
- Retain it while acting on NMF*
- Stop excessive evaporation
* Natural Moisturising Factor What is the best way to moisturise your skin?
Simple steps to follow to moisturise your skin and stop it from getting dry. You should:
- Avoid using very abrasive soaps and hot water
- Avoid rubbing the skin with your towel, you should rather pat it dry
- Apply moisturising care daily
- Finally, to have a beautiful skin, it is advisable to regularly drink water so that your body has the required daily amount of water
Each skin type has its own moisturisation levels
The moisturisation must be suitable for your skin type and the care that it needs, this is different depending on whether it is oily or dry.
- Combination and oily skin, naturally rich in sebum, needs light, fluid textures that penetrate quickly
- Drier skin which often has a deficient hydrolipidic film, needs richer and creamier textures