Folder : Dry hands
Hands are naturally fragile. To get rid of dryness and chapped hands, as well as lack of softness and make the hands supple and beautiful, prevention and daily treatment are essential. Here are some habits you should know, and of course adopt!
Protect them!
Wear gloves. When it is cold, of course, but also when it is windy. Avoid gloves that are too tight: when it is very cold, poor blood circulation can cause chillblains.
You must wear gloves when carrying out household tasks, handling detergent products, gardening or when you do odd jobs.
When you wash your hands, do not use very hot water. Use a gentle or non-abrasive soap. If the epidermis is very dry, avoid or limit the application of antibacterial gel as much as possible and always dry your hands carefully, without rubbing them too much, in order to respect the delicate epidermis.
When the sun shines, we often forget to systematically apply sun protection lotion to our hands. This is an important beauty tip to maintain their gentleness but also to protect them from premature ageing and brown spots.
Consider protecting your hands when you drive: the windscreen maximises the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays, even if you do not feel them.
Be good to them daily
Every day and even several times a day, apply a moisturising lotion to your hands, massaging well to make sure it penetrates. It is generally advisable to use a concentrated glycerine lotion. By leaving a protective film on the surface of the skin, it limits dehydration and nourishes the epidermis.
Choose your lotion, depending on what the problem is. Some are formulated for dry hands, others for very dry, chapped or cracked hands. There is one to help you restore and maintain your very soft hands. In winter, you can choose a very rich lotion, a body butter, for example. Its dense formula is very protective and limits the impact of the harsh external environment.
Every night, consider moisturising your hands before going to bed.
Other beauty tips you should know
In the evening, to extend the effect of the products: apply a generous layer of lotion then put on cotton gloves and keep them on the whole night. Under the effect of the heat, the moisturisation will be optimal and in the morning, your hands will be soft and smooth. A truly beautifying effect.
Another tip: always have a jar of lotion by your bedside. This will help you to not forget to apply it after washing up or doing the dishes and also apply it before putting on your gloves and doing household tasks. Not only will your hands suffer less but they will also look beautiful and well cared for.
How can you relieve and treat cracked, chapped hands?
Cold weather, wind, frequent usage of detergents or irritating agents are factors that generally cause these painful cracks on your hands.
Essential: systematically protect your hands with gloves and act fast, as soon as you see the first signs of cracking, apply a suitable lotion.
The deeper the cracks or fissures, the longer it takes to repair them. Use an intensive repair lotion enriched with soothing ingredients. Apply it several times a day, massaging it in so that it penetrates well. This type of targeted moisturising lotion relieves the skin and helps repair the epidermis. With a little bit of perseverance, your supple, smooth and healthy hands will be restored.